Lots of great things have been happening here at the store lately. Not sure where to start there is so much to tell you about.
First I guess should be the New Free Fast Shipping. We are now offering Free Shipping on order over $100.00 and under 10lbs. *Some restrictions do apply. This new service came along just in time for the new Lyte Now BOGO offer. Until the end of April, for every 80cc tube of Lyte Now you purchase we will match with a 30cc tube for Free, yes Free.
Next would be the new products that we are getting in the door and more on the way. We have some really great summer riding attire. The Kerrits Ice Fil in tanks, short sleeve shirts and the new Ice Fil Tech Tight with anti slip seat. Also Kerrits has come up with a nice lightweight jacket that is wind and waterproof and even has reflective piping for greater visibility at night. These new items are sure to keep you cooler on those warm summer days. Also before long we are going to have some great new products from Equine Outfitters. Their Noble Equine line of clothing and socks are fantastic and we can't wait to get them in the store.
As always Kristen and Tracy are hard at it making new tack items. The newest is a Side Pull Bridle Combo. This new combo can be used as a side pull or you can add a bit using the bit attachments that come with this combo. This makes a great little riding tool for that horse that is rearing to go at the beginning of the ride but slows down and settles in about half way through.
So as you can see new things are always in the works here for you our customers. So until next time Ride Hard and Stay Safe.