"By the Editors of EQUUS magazine
Winter can be rough on your horse's skin. Moisture from rain and snow
encourages bacteria and other pathogens to grow. And thick winter
coats---plus layers of blankets---can allow conditions to go unnoticed
for days or even weeks as they worsen. Treating established skin
problems can be difficult when bathing isn't an option. Your best bet
for keeping your horse's skin in good shape this winter is watching out
for the conditions most likely to develop so you can begin treatment as
early as possible.
Scratches. One of the easiest skin problems to identify
and treat, scratches is a bacterial infection affecting the skin at a
horse's pastern. The bacteria take hold when repeated exposure to wet
conditions strips away the skin's protective oils, causing chapping and
cracking. The earliest sign of scratches is formation of a crust on the
back of the pastern, so do an inspection daily as you pick out your
horse's hooves. If you see signs of scratches, wash the affected area
with an anti-bacterial shampoo, then rinse and dry it completely. Drying
the area is extremely important and will probably require a hair dryer
in winter months. Finally, trim the longer pastern hairs and slather the
area with an antibiotic ointment followed by a layer of Desitin or
ich-tham-mol to provide a barrier to further moisture. (If it's too cold
to wash the leg, skip directly to the trimming and ointment steps.)
Avoid picking off tightly attached scabs because that can be painful to
the horse. Instead, use a clean cloth to wipe the ointment from the leg
every other day. The softened crusts will slide off easily. Then reapply the ointment.
Rainrot. The bacterium that causes rainrot, Dermatophilus congolensis, normally
lives on the skin with no adverse effects. However, a rain followed by
humid conditions can allow the bacteria to multiply and irritate hair
follicles, leading to painful crusting and hair loss on the top of the
rump and along "runoff" lines of the flanks. Older horses and those with
compromised immune systems are most likely to develop rainrot. The
earliest signs are ruffled-looking patches of coat---caused by hair
follicles standing on end slightly---combined with warm and possibly
sensitive skin.
A daily grooming session or at least a peek under the blankets is
necessary to notice these changes. A course of anti-biotics at the
earliest stages can head off rainrot, so consider calling your
veterinarian if you see signs of the condition.
If scabs have already developed and bathing isn't possible, slather the
spots with mineral oil to loosen the crusts and allow them to slide off
easily. With the scabs gone, you can treat the bacteria beneath them
with an antiseptic wash. When the weather warms up, a full bath with a
medicated, antidandruff shampoo followed by a long spell in the warm sun
will help clear up rainrot.
This article first appeared in EQUUS issue #424. "
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